CPEC - China Pakistan Economic Corridor | English Essay

CPEC - China Pakistan Economic Corridor
CPEC - China Pakistan Economic Corridor

Sustainable growth and development in China during the last four decades has assigned the country a special status in the world economy. The financial crisis of 2007-08 not only strengthened the Chinese economy but also enhanced its role and say in global governance. Though China has started redefining its role in the 1990s, the war on terror gave it ample time to think and devise its strategies in accordance with the new world scenario. During this period when the world was engaged in a war on terror and was hit by financial crises, China increased its trade and international recognition, revisited its old relations, and ventured in new partnerships and friendships. President Xi Jinping for the first time raised the slogan of constructive engagements across the world.

Pakistan and China have been enjoying cordial and friendly relations since 1950. The first decade of relations was not as smooth as it was after 1960 especially after the China-India war, and the Pakistan-India war. At first, Pakistan was reluctant to accept China due to differences between communist and capitalist blocs. The two countries also did not know much about each other, which hindered their bilateral cooperation. Fortunately, at that time the then minister for foreign affairs, Sir Zafarullah Khan, had some knowledge about the Chinese mindset, which paved the way for PakistanChina relations (Chaudhri, 1987).
China has been working for decades to restore its lost glory. Since Mao’s time, China has devised a policy of cosmopolitanism and made it the most important pillar of its all policies. First, China worked with a group of Non-Allying countries and gradually enhanced its role. Bandung Conference as launching pad and strengthened its relations with many developing countries. China also remained neutral in international affairs and focused gradually on economic development and building economic relations with the world. 
The history of Pak-China relations can be traced back to 1950. Both China and Pakistan managed their relationship in a very productive and articulated way. Although confusion over some issues, especially during the first half 1950s and 1970s, impacted the ties the two nations never let them altogether spoil. Both of them helped each other at crucial times. Pakistan helped China to connect to the world. Pakistani air space was opened for Chinese airlines and PIA made travel easy for the Chinese.

Estimation of Local Component in CPEC
Table-1: Estimation of Local Component in CPEC 

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